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A link between penicillin treatment in newborn infants and obesity

Early life is a critical window of host-microbe metabolic interaction. The seeding of the intestinal microbiota begins at birth, and a stable microbial community is important for a well-functioning immune system and metabolism. Low dose antibiotic exposure has been shown in experimental conditions to alter host metabolism and adiposity. A paper in the August 14 Read More

Hypersensitivity Reactions

Hypersensitivity Reactions Although, the immune system is primarily programmed to protect our body against microbes such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, unexpected excesses of the immune response may lead to disease states. The excessive immune responses are usually referred to as hypersensitivity reactions. The term hypersensitivity (HS) should be used to describe objectively reproducible symptoms Read More

Infant Immunity and Vaccines

Paediatric Immunity Overview The foetal immune system is skewed towards tolerance with a strong bias towards Th2 immunity and strong pro-inflammatory responses are associated with abortion. This Th2 skewing continues during early infancy and slowly develops into a normal Th1 response. After birth, transition from a relatively sterile environment to exposure to environmental antigens including Read More

Infant Immunity and Vaccines

The foetal immune system is skewed towards tolerance with a strong bias towards Th2 immunity and strong pro-inflammatory responses are associated with abortion. This Th2 skewing continues during early infancy and slowly develops into a normal Th1 response. After birth, transition from a relatively sterile environment to exposure to environmental antigens including commensals, calls for Read More

1. Infant Immunity and Vaccines

Paediatric Immunity Overview The foetal immune system is skewed towards tolerance with a strong bias towards Th2 immunity and strong pro-inflammatory responses are associated with abortion. This Th2 skewing continues during early infancy and slowly develops into a normal Th1 response. After birth, transition from a relatively sterile environment to exposure to environmental antigens including Read More

A case of decreased joint function, fever and rash

A 7 year old girl presented to her local hospital for the second time in 3 months with arthralgia, a migratory skin rash and fever for 5 days. She was admitted and within 2 days…

4 year old boy with recurrent bacterial infections

A four and a half year old boy presents with pyrexia, neck stiffness and a purpuric rash. History: At age three years he had his first episode of meningococcal meningitis, from which he made a full recovery. At the time of contracting …

Adverse event following routine vaccination

A 19 month old infant presents with marked leg swelling, pain and inability to walk within 6 hours of receiving booster vaccinations. The child had been ambulatory for the prior 6 months and was now no longer able to walk

Antibiotic treatment failure in four common infections- A primary care 1991-2012: longitudinal analysis

An article in this week’s British Journal of Medicine discussed a longitudinal study conducted over 20 years, that looked at antibiotic treatment failure in a primary care setting. Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a major public health problem. To better understand this in a clinical setting, this study analyzed the 20-year prescribing history of antibiotics Read More

International Union of Immunological SocietiesUniversity of South AfricaInstitute of Infectious Disease and Molecular MedicineElizabeth Glazer Pediatric Aids FoundationStellenbosch University